Do you have piles of paper collecting in your home or office that you’ve been meaning to deal with? Sensitive information that you don’t want in the trash and should be properly shredded? Well now is the time!
Throughout the month of September, bring your boxes and piles of documents to be shredded into our office. We’ll supply the shredding bins and for a nominal fee, we’ll collect your shredding and all proceeds will go to the Youth Emergency Shelter of Peterborough. (Secure shredding provided by Iron Mountain).
Shredding Fees:
- $10/bankers box of shredding
- Minimum $5 for other smaller files
- Larger donations graciously accepted and passed along to YES of Peterborough!
Unsure of what to keep and what to shred? Refer to the CRA’s Books and Records Retention/Destruction regulations. Here is a summary:
- Your tax return(s) and all supporting documents should be kept for 6 years after filing (both personal, corporate or not-for-profit tax returns)
- For corporations that have dissolved, all records should be kept for two years from the date of dissolution of the corporation